Fernando P. Santos

Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam.


L5.11, Lab 42,

Science Park 900,

1098 XH Amsterdam

I am an Associate Professor at the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam. I am part of the SIAS group, where I lead the Prosocial Dynamics Lab and I am a scientific lab manager of the Civic AI Lab.

My research lies at the interface of AI and Complex Systems: I study behavioral dynamics in systems of adaptive learning agents and aim at designing prosocial/fair AI (more info).

Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Princeton with Simon A. Levin, supported by a James S. McDonnell Foundation Fellowship. I completed my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering (2018) at Instituto Superior Técnico with Francisco C. Santos, Jorge M. Pacheco, and Ana Paiva; my work received the Victor Lesser Dissertation Award (2018), the APPIA Best Thesis in AI (2017-2018) and the INESC-ID PhD Student award (2018). I was selected for the AAAI-23 New Faculty Highlights program.


Sep 24, 2024 Travelling to the USA (Boston and Cambridge) — very excited to give a talk at the Network Science Institute and participate in the Building a Bigger and Better US conference at MIT Sloan!
May 1, 2024 May is time for AAMAS 2024! I’ll give a keynote talk at the Social Choice and Learning Algorithms Workshop, participate in the Doctoral Consortium Carreer Panel and present joint work with Martin. See you in Auckland!
Mar 21, 2024 Very excited to be awarded an NWO-M grant to study Cooperation and reputation in multi-agent reinforcement learning. More info via UvA and NWO.
Nov 13, 2023 I’m giving an invited talk at the Center for Mathematical Biology, University of Pennsilvanya.
Sep 5, 2023 I’ve been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to study the impacts of algorithmic recommendations on social dynamics, with project RE-LINK! We have 3 open PhD positions to work in this project! Check some news about the ERC StG results and the RE-LINK project by Técnico, UvA, Exame Informática and Público.
Aug 30, 2023 I will be an invited speaker in the 2023 Dutch NetSci Summer Symposium! More info.
Jul 3, 2023 I’ll be giving two invited lectures on the topics of Cooperation, Reputation and Polarization at the 2023 FEBT Summer School on Behavioral Economics (Split, Croatia). More info here.
May 29, 2023 Excited to participate onsite in AAMAS once again, after 3 virtual years! I’m speaking in the Doctoral Consortium panel on carreer advice for PhD students. My group will present 3 papers in the main conference (1 full, 2 posters) and 3 papers in satellite workshops (ALA and C-MAS). See you in London!
Apr 18, 2023 I’ll participate in a conversation on Bias and Metrics in AI at the Institute of Advanced Study (Amsterdam), more info.
Feb 13, 2023 Excited to be an invited speaker at the 2023 AI For Behavioral Change Workshop, co-located with AAAI’23. More info at AI4BC website.
Feb 10, 2023 Happy to be selected to the AAAI 2023 New Faculty Highlights! Will give a talk summarizing my work and research agenda on Feb 10th at AAAI’23 (Washington DC, USA).
Jun 8, 2022 I’m giving an invited lecture, on Fairness in AI, at the Data Futures Lab (Amsterdam University College), a course coordinated by the amazing Paul Verhagen.